It’s vital to protect your digital assets in an increasingly interconnected world. Here’s how
A strong internet connection for small and midsize businesses (SMBs) is not a luxury; it’s a requirement. These companies can work more efficiently and reach new markets. With all these benefits, there are also risks. Small business owners increasingly depend on the Internet and digital technology to run their businesses. Sukhjinder Singh is the senior director of product development at Comcast Business.
Scammers have evolved their strategies to steal data as technology advances. While smaller companies may not have the IT resources of larger businesses, they can still do a lot to protect their sensitive data. Here are five things every business needs to consider.
Understanding your risk is essential
Small businesses may think that hackers only target large enterprises. However, there is a high probability that a cyberattack will affect a small company. John Arledge is the vice president of Akamai Technologies, a cloud service and cybersecurity company in Cambridge, Massachusetts. ” At least 50% of small business experience one of these attacks every quarter.”
Small businesses must be aware of their data, where it is stored, who has access to it, and how. Understanding this information will help you implement adequate security measures for sensitive data in your organization, including employee records, customer information, and intellectual properties.
Arledge says businesses may want to lock down susceptible data and only allow authorized individuals access. The attacker will have difficulty recovering data if the server or database is compromised.
Cloud-based solutions are a great option
In today’s hyper-connected world, small business owners and their employees can access cloud-based information from multiple devices anytime. Cybercriminals can exploit each of these points of entry. Arledge says that protecting devices is becoming increasingly important, no matter where they may be and what network they use.
Cloud-based cybersecurity solutions are a cost-effective solution to providing security to all devices without the need for additional IT staff or on-premises hardware. They also eliminate the need to track down devices of employees to install security software.
Learn more about the topic
Small businesses can benefit from cybersecurity training by providing their employees with the skills and knowledge to identify and mitigate potential threats. Arledge says that humans should be the last and first line of defense in small businesses.
This training should also teach employees how to recognize phishing and suspicious downloads. The training should also cover multifactor authentication, the importance of strong passwords, and safe internet browsing techniques such as only visiting secure websites. Small business owners can access online training resources through the National Cybersecurity Alliance or the Small Business Administration.
Backup your data
It’s essential to prepare for a cyberattack by putting in place resources. Keep backups of all your data in an isolated, secure location that can be retrieved if attacked.
Lori Martinek is a branding consultant, digital outreach specialist in the greater Phoenix region, and a mentor at SCORE. This organization pairs entrepreneurs with successful business owners. If you are locked out by ransomware and your business cannot continue, your backup will be crucial.
To increase security, consider using multiple storage options, such as external hard drives or cloud backups.
Insure against a cyberattack
Consider a cyber-insurance policy to help protect your business after implementing a cybersecurity strategy. This can cover the costs of an attack if it occurs. Consider a cyber insurance policy that covers data breaches, network breaches, theft of personal data, cyberattacks against data held by third parties, and global attacks, not just those in the United States. Consider a policy that will protect you in case of a lawsuit.
Find a “connectivity Partner”
A company’s cyber-security strategy can be significantly aided by finding reliable third-party providers. They can provide small businesses with solutions to protect their network and inform them of any breaches. Singh explains that a connectivity partner could help small companies that don’t have a lot in the way of IT resources by providing them with solutions that are easy to use and powered by the latest threat intelligence. This can help to ensure that your business information and data are protected.