Why Live Chat Support for Customers is a Must in Your Business

The choice available to customers today is overwhelming. After one bad experience, customers will quickly switch to another company.

No matter what industry you’re in or how quickly your business grows, it doesn’t really matter. You will lose revenue if you don’t start with a focus on customer service.

Here are some statistics that highlight the importance of good customer service.

73% of customers state that excellent customer service influences brand loyalty.

Word-of-mouth spreads quickly, and 95% of customers share their bad experiences.

Customer experience is the major competitive factor for 89% of businesses in the future.

social media channels are great, but live chat benefits stand out

Customers who receive a response to their questions or complaints via social media are more likely to spend between 20-40% on the business. Customers are more likely to buy again from companies that offer live chat support.

That’s right: 62%.

Live chat has become a popular way to resolve customer issues in the past few years. In a 2010 Forrester survey, users said that having their questions answered live by a person on chat in the middle of a purchase is one of the best features of any website. This remains the same even after ten years.

Take a look at the benefits of live chat for your customers.

A High Convenience factor

Customers who bring up complaints or problems are not usually in the best of moods. Customers don’t like to wait on hold on the phone or wait on social media for their complaints to be noticed.

If you do not offer immediate assistance to your customers, they will become angrier and may even swear to never purchase from you again. Live chat allows you to have a direct connection with your customers. You can discuss in depth the problem and the solution without distractions.

Customers are the ones who will be paying the bill at the end of each day.

Need immediate assistance with minimal waiting time?

Like scripted or automatic responses

Want to be seen as human beings, not as a help desk ticket number

Customer service should not be used to irritate customers further. Period.

Simple and cost-effective setup

Support via live chat is 17-30% cheaper compared to a telephone call. This is because a support representative can handle multiple queries from customers and resolve them faster.

Setting up chat tools for websites is also relatively simple and quick. All your customer service team needs is some training to teach them the basics.

Sales Initiation

Live chat agents can use any situation in which customers are not convinced about making a purchase, have general questions about the product, or cannot find something on the site to convince them to convert.

Live chat representatives are responsible for increasing sales in the modern age. They don’t simply manage a chat program.

Understanding Customer Pain Points

Marketing teams can use social media and forums for research, but they cannot provide immediate, direct support. Live chat can resolve a problem upfront that cannot be resolved through any other channel.

Social media can be a great way to promote how-to guides, training materials, and other documents. However, this doesn’t directly help customers.

Live chat allows reps to quickly distribute how-to guides, training materials, and other documents, which would otherwise be “hidden” on your website waiting for customers to find them. Screen-sharing features in advanced live chat tools make it possible to explain things visually, making them more impactful.

Reports and Analyses

Emails tend to disappear, making it difficult to record customer queries. Even though all conversations are recorded, it is difficult to review the performance of representatives who answer the phone.

Live chat analytics, on the other hand, provide valuable insight into the performance and common queries of reps as well as the needs of potential customers.

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