Let’s just be honest. How many “About Us” pages did you read that got you excited about an organization or brand? I’m guessing not a lot.
Most people react to “About Us’ pages with boredom, impatience, and a strong feeling of being ignored. This is a big problem because the “About Us” page is the most visited destination on any website. It is a page that people click on all the time.
Why have we ignored the value of this space?
Perhaps we don’t like writing about ourselves. We may not know what to write on the page, so we copy the formula that everyone else uses. It may not seem urgent.
You may be paying more for your substandard “About” section than you realize. Let’s finally get rid of those lame “About Us” pages.
The page about you is not.
It’s important to get one thing out of the way right away: your “About” section isn’t all about you. Your readers are the focus of your “About” page. It’s not about telling them all about your business or yourself; it’s about the way you present your information.
The majority of “About” pages focus on the writer, company, or other details about them.
It is important to focus on the reader’s needs, concerns, questions, and problems.
Consider it. What do you look for when you visit the “About Us” page of a business you are considering buying from?
Do you care about their goals and dreams or the awards they’ve won? Are you seeking proof that the person can solve your problem? Are you looking for reassurance that they won’t take advantage of you? They care about what you need and want to help you find it.
If you don’t provide these things on your “About Us” page, your visitors will feel ignored.
A third person is never a good thing.
When writing bios, it was common practice to write in the third person. Were we able to make ourselves sound more professional by using the third person? It was easier to talk about yourself when we sounded as if we were talking about another person.
No matter what the reason is, writing bios in the third person has become a bad idea. ).
Your “About Me” page should help people get to know you. Would you tell someone you know about yourself in the third person if you were at a social event? That would be creepy.
You want your website to be as personal as possible, but you won’t get that if you continue to call yourself by your first name.
Tell a story
You don’t want visitors to your website to be bored. The majority of “About Us” pages are boring. How can you be unique?
Telling a story is one of the best methods to engage your visitors and address their needs when creating an “About Us” page.
Instead of telling visitors what you can do, tell them a story.
Take your visitors on an adventure. Start with their problems: What do they need to be solved? Your business can assist them. Then, end with a solution that explains how your product or service will make their lives better.
Include details on who you are, your business, and what you have done for others. You’re not talking about yourself but rather what you can offer them.
Stories are memorable. Stories are more memorable.
Make an appearance
The Web can feel very anonymous. People want to do business not with companies, brands, or mysterious websites but with other people.
It’s smart to put your photo on your “About Us” page. This makes you more real to your website visitors, who can imagine you talking to them.
It is also important to consider the type of photo you choose. Do not crop out your face from any old group picture. Make sure it looks professional. It should match your “brand” but also look professional.
Suppose you want to promote your company as reliable and conservative; button up the blazer and pose for a classic headshot. If your business is more modern and trendy, you should show this in your picture. Dress down a little if you are casual and friendly.
Your photo should be a reflection of your personality. It’s important to be yourself.
Show them the proof
What is more effective than telling others you are great? You can show them proof of your greatness. It would be best if you showed your visitors that you are a professional and that others enjoy doing business with your company.
Positive things someone else has said about you are 100 times (at minimum) more persuasive than positive things you have said about yourself.
It’s easy to use and powerful. Here are some of the most common types:
- Testimonials
- Endorsements by other industry leaders or thought leaders
- Stats about followers and communities (numbers of Facebook fans, blog subscribers, etc.).
Put the proof on your “About Us” page.
After you’ve created a great “About” section, I have a tip for anyone with an email database (and what company doesn’t?). You can use the momentum that you have created with your compelling bio to attract a lot of subscribers.
Now that you’ve given people a great reason to love you and your work, it is time to stay in touch.